About Us
Community-Driven Solutions
Recognizing the community-driven innovation on transition solutions and the need for a coordinated national transition program, the Just Transition Fund launched the NET project in early 2019. With the facilitation of Dialogue + Design Associates, a community engagement and design firm, a diverse planning team of representatives from coal communities across the country worked to draft this platform and refine it over the course of a year through an extensive idea generation and feedback-gathering process. That process included a series of in-depth interviews with community leaders and members of coal-impacted communities, an in-person meeting of coal community and transition leaders in June of 2019, three regional stakeholder meetings in Appalachia, the Midwest, and the West, and a digital engagement campaign to gather input from the broader public from coal-affected regions in the fall of 2019.
Together, we envision a future where the communities hit hard by the decline of the coal industry have vibrant, resilient, and equitable economies with thriving, local businesses and quality, family-sustaining jobs.
Planning team members include:

Endorsers include:
- Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center
- Appalachian Sustainable Development
- Appalachian Voices
- Michael L. Bentley, EdD, Salem, VA
- Better Building Institute Inc.
- Fritz Boettner, West Virginia
- BlueGreen Alliance
- Center for Coalfield Justice
- Center for Energy and Environment
- Central Appalachian Network
- Citizens Climate Lobby West Virginia
- Greg Pruszinske, City of Becker, MN
- Climate Institute
- Coalfield Development
- Colorado AFL-CIO
- Colorado Farm and Food Alliance
- Community for Sustainable Energy
- Community Foundation for the Alleghenies
- Sylvia Crum
- Dakota Resource Council
- Delta Institute
- Dine’ Citizens Against Ruining our Environment
- Louise Dunlap, Maryland
- Earthworks
- Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
- Eco-Justice Collaborative
- Energy Efficient West Virginia
- Larry Evans
- Faith in Place Action Fund
- Diane Fong, Bay City, MI
- Foundation for PA Watersheds
- Generation West Virginia
- Greater Ohio Policy Center
- Green West Strategies
- Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah
- Dr. David W. Inouye, College Park, MD
- JASenergies
- Lou Ann Jessee-Wallace, Russell County, VA
- Just Transition Fund
- Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
- Keystone Research Center
- Labor Network for Sustainability
- Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network
- Metro East Green Alliance
- Mayor Mark Mills, Coshocton, OH
- Mountain Association for Community Economic Development
- Native Renewables
- New Energy Economy
- Northern Plains Resource Council
- Ohio Citizen Action
- Ohio Consumers Power Alliance
- Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition
- Partnership for Responsible Growth
- Ty Pell, Adams County Commissioner, Adams County, OH
- People Incorporated of Virginia
- Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation
- Policy Matters Ohio
- Powder River Basin Resource Council
- Prairie Rivers Network
- Renewable Northwest
- Rural Action
- San Juan Citizens Alliance
- Sequestering Carbon, Accelerating Local Economies
- Sheep Mountain Alliance
- Solar United Neighbors
- Jessica Stago, Winslow, AZ
- The Climate Economy Education Inc
- Tó Nizhóní Ání
- Tribe Awaken
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Utah Clean Energy
- Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Virginia Organizing
- West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy
- West Virginia Rivers Coalition
- Western Clean Energy Campaign
- Western Colorado Alliance
- Western Organization of Resource Councils
- Western Resource Advocates
- Randall A. Wilson, Kentucky